The Greater Waterbury!
The Citywide Front Porch Day HAS BEEN POSTPONDED due to the rainy weather predicted for Saturday June 8th. The event has been postponed to September. REALTORS Denise Pappas & Joe Cirillo, Co-Chairs of the GWBR Housing Opportunities Committee appreciate all those who volunteered to help with the various projects that were planned in the participating neighborhoods. More information will be forthcoming.
Volunteers will be needed for painting, landscaping and completing various projects in your choice of several participating Waterbury neighborhoods. If you can donate any time between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., please call the Board at 203-596-2240 check back for the new date in September.
We are also looking for donations of used equipment including rakes, hammers, hedge clippers, paint brushes, brooms, etc. All items can be dropped off at the Board office. Thank you for any help you can offer!
This new REALTOR® Program was funded by a grant from our National Association of REALTORS® and the City of Waterbury to restore communities. REALTOR® Involvement is needed now to help make this program a success and to broaden the scope of our message that REALTORS care about their Communities!
Great opportunity for businesses, families, groups, and individuals to get involved in their community. Show your clients that YOU care about YOUR market area. Put together your own “REALTOR ACTION TEAM” and advertise it. Let the Board know right away…as we will be publicizing our list of REALTOR volunteers, as it grows, in the local newspaper, on radio talk shows and local cable TV networks.

The Greater Waterbury Board of REALTORS®, Inc. was organized in 1920, becoming one of the first boards in the country to service the real estate industry. The GWBR, Inc. continues to serve this ever-changing, culturally diverse community by providing superior services and promoting high ethical standards while preserving the right to own, transfer and use real property.